The following list contains the top 100 requested songs of the 1970s decade. It represents song requests from thousands of events ranging from Weddings to Birthday parties and is dynamically created by Gigbuilder, the most popular web-based event management system in the world.
The above list represents the most popular songs from 1970 to 1979 and is compiled from thousands of requests from similar events over the past year. The top 1970's hits includes a diverse range of music including heavy metal, disco, 70's soul music, and pop. This list is a good start to making sure your wedding or special event has the best music for dancing. Check back often as the Popular 100 Top 1970's Song List changes dynamically in real time as more requests are made.
Click or Touch a song from the list below to get more information on your favorite 50's tunes - EVEN watch a music video where available!
The above list represents the most popular dance songs from the 1970s. Click on any title for a video and lyrics.
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